Shiny, healthy, well-groomed hair is an undeniable seductive asset for women and men alike. After all, isn't it one of the first things you offer to someone else's gaze? No matter how much you've done to make sure your skin, make-up and clothes look good, if your hair isn't impeccable too, but leaves something to be desired, all your efforts to please will fall by the wayside....

Follow our guide to the best hair ever!

1 - Treat split ends for shiny hair

Split ends are the enemy of all medium to long hair! Caused mainly by chemical ingredients or the use of tools that are too hot, they are difficult to treat. For hair that tends to split, we recommend an intensive moisturizing treatment to boost resistance. To restore shiny hair, the ideal care routine consists of 3 steps: shampoo, conditioner and revitalizing treatment to improve hair's resistance and regeneration, and protect it from drying out.

Les Maisons de Coiffure offer a surprising and highly effective fork treatment.

2 - Opt for a gentle wash

Excess sebum will weigh hair down, so it's advisable to wash your hair every 3 days or so with a mild shampoo that's adapted to your hair type. And in this case, there's no better advice than your hairdresser, the hair expert par excellence!

3 - Boost your hair

Visit your hairdresser regularly to refresh your cut. 

Cutting your hair will boost it and give it good hold.

Make an appointment with your local hairdresser

4 - Take care of your curls for beautiful, shiny hair

Curly hair is often drier and more fragile than straight hair. What's more, by its very nature, it reacts more easily to external influences.

Intense moisturizers with active ingredients protect hair from drying out. A special leave-in treatment for curly hair will add shine and suppleness. Hair oils also leave a protective veil around the hair fiber, compensating for lipid loss.

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5 - Say goodbye to greasy hair

Instead of greasy hair, the correct term is greasy scalp... And that's what needs to be treated!

To achieve this, the most important thing is to stop stressing your hair, and instead to make it soft and supple. This means using the right hair care products to space out shampoos and avoid greasy products. As for gentleness, you shouldn't use hot tools or combs with tight teeth...

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6 - Fight dandruff

Dandruff is first and foremost an internal problem. So, first and foremost, you need to treat your inner balance and avoid using harsh anti-dandruff shampoos, especially if you don't know how to distinguish between dry and oily dandruff. If you do, you run the risk of doing the opposite of what you should be doing.

To treat dandruff, you have to deal with the underlying problems. This will take time and patience, but it's worth it. Never forget that hair mirrors the body.

To find out more...

7 - Take care of yourself for long-lasting shiny hair

Christophe Nicolas Biot ne le dira jamais assez : « Ce qui se passe à l’intérieur, se voit à l’extérieur ».

For hair that's shiny, strong, healthy and in great shape, you need to know how to take care of yourself.

Stop stress, which promotes sebum secretion and dandruff formation. Exercise regularly to eliminate the toxins that suffocate your cells. And above all, don't forget to eat a balanced, healthy diet.