Savez-vous que pour avoir de beaux cheveux vous devez utiliser les bons produits, mais aussi faire attention à ce que vous mettez dans votre assiette ? Prendre soin de ses cheveux, c’est aussi faire attention à son alimentation, car comme le dit souvent Christophe Nicolas Biot : « Ce qui se passe à l’intérieur, se voit à l’extérieur ».  Ainsi, ce qui est valable pour votre peau et votre silhouette l’est aussi pour vos cheveux. C’est pourquoi avec l’arrivée de l’été, le temps des bonnes des résolutions est arrivé et c’est le moment de faire attention à ce que l’on met dans son assiette pour entretenir une belle chevelure.

Acid-base balance

Today, our diet, made up of processed products, is essentially acidic, to the detriment of basic substances known as alkalis. This imbalance creates dysfunctions and is harmful to skin, hair and health in general. On the hair side, this generally translates into problems such as greasy hair, hair loss, dandruff... Hair is polluted and suffocated by poor nutrition.

Hair is the barometer of health, and poor general health is often revealed by hair loss or thinning hair. In such cases, a change of diet is imperative.

Each hair root is fed by blood. As a result, hair accumulates toxic substances circulating in the body. A balanced acid-base diet is therefore essential. Detoxifying herbal teas, minerals and alkaline baths are ideal.

Christophe Nicolas Biot, a great believer in the alkaline diet, offers the Maison de Coiffure all the information and products you need to follow Dr. Jentschura's alkaline cure.

Hair and diet: the right nutrients

In addition to the alkaline treatment, you need to make sure you're eating the right nutrients to give your hair strength, beauty and shine.

The 10 essential nutrients

Certain nutrients promote hair growth and health, and as part of a balanced diet, contribute to hair's beauty.

  • Proteins are necessary for the formation of keratin, which makes up 95% of hair. Keratin is a protein, and to make it, you need to eat protein too.
  • Zinc stimulates hair growth by promoting the assimilation of certain amino acids into keratin.
  • Vitamin A helps protect the hair fiber.
  • The beta-carotene is essential for the assimilation of vitamin A by the body. It is the precursor of vitamin A.
  • Group B vitamins help fortify roots and contribute to the production of keratin.
  • The essential fatty acids are essential for hair growth.
  • Vitamin E protects hair fiber from premature aging and prevents the appearance of dandruff.
  • Iron is is essential for hair growth.
  • Vitamin C promotes iron absorption, collagen synthesis and the strengthening of the immune system.
  • The vitamin Ddeficiency is generally linked to hair loss.

Diet for healthy hair

While these nutrients can be taken as supplements, they are first and foremost found in our diet. Here are the 10 foods to choose from to make sure you get the right nutrients for beautiful hair:

1- Fish

  • essential fatty acids
  • proteins
  • zinc
  • vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • vitamin E for oily fish
  • iron
  • vitamin D

2- Wheat germ and wholegrain cereals

  • B vitamins
  • proteins
  • zinc
  • vitamin E
  • iron

3- Colorful vegetables and fruits

  • proteins
  • beta-carotene
  • B vitamins
  • vitamin C
  • iron

4- Eggs

  • B vitamins
  • proteins
  • zinc
  • beta-carotene in egg yolk
  • vitamin B5 in egg yolk
  • iron

5- Cocoa and dark chocolate

  • iron
  • magnesium

6- Lentils and legumes

  • B vitamins
  • iron

7- Flaxseed oil, olive oil, carrot oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil....

  • essential fatty acids
  • vitamin E

8- Almonds and walnuts of all types

  • vitamin E
  • vitamin B
  • plant protein
  • zinc

9- Seafood

  • zinc
  • B vitamins

10- Red meat (in moderation)

  • proteins
  • iron
  • zinc

For a professional appraisal of your hair, and to treat yourself to an appropriate treatment, don't hesitate to make an appointment at one of Christophe Nicolas Biot's beauty salons.