It's important to know how to take good care of your hair so that it looks its best. It's every woman's dream! To achieve and maintain shiny, strong, supple hair that's radiant with beauty and health, it's essential to adopt simple, effective methods, but also to use the right products. Whether your hair is straight or curly, long or short, blond or brunette, colored or natural... there are hair care products and gestures that are quick and easy to use on a daily basis to care for your hair and keep it healthy, shiny, dense and voluminous...

Take care of your hair with the best natural products

Unlike conventional products, most of which are derived from petrochemicals, natural hair care products contain no chemical substances (parabens, silicones, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, colorants, mineral oils, endocrine disruptors, etc.) likely to damage the health of your hair and make it more fragile.

All these chemicals are not only harmful to your hair, whether in the medium or long term, but also to your health in general. Some components can cause allergies and irritation, while others are even potentially carcinogenic. Similarly, some molecules are harmful to the environment, since they are highly polluting and non-biodegradable.

Taking care of your hair with natural products is the assurance of using healthy products that contain no harmful substances, no endocrine disruptors, no molecules that can affect your organs, or be a direct cause of cancer or allergies. But that's not all. Natural hair products provide immediate and lasting benefits thanks to the real, proven virtues of plants. They help keep your hair healthy and long-lasting, and that's just what Christophe-Nicolas Biot Paris' top-of-the-range hair care products promise.

Shampoo to care for your hair

Le shampoing est le produit de soin capillaire le plus utilisé pour prendre soin de ses cheveux. Il est important d’opter pour des produits sains et écologiques et de se laver les cheveux seulement quand ils en ont besoin, c’est-à-dire quand ils sont sales. Sachez que plus vous lavez vos cheveux (notamment gras), plus ils auront tendance à graisser en réponse à cette agression. C’est un cercle vicieux. Il est aussi conseillé de se laver les cheveux à l’eau tiède. Une eau trop chaude va agresser autant le cuir chevelu que les cheveux, et les laisser secs, ternes et souvent avec des frisottis.

For normal hair with no specific problems, a simple natural shampoo will suffice to preserve its balance. Those with oily hair should opt for a purifying shampoo with a neutral pH, which will contribute to perfect balance and soothe the scalp. If your hair is brittle, dry and damaged, choose a nourishing, moisturizing shampoo with a vegetable oil base, such as jojoba or shea oil.

And when you don't have the time or inclination to wash your hair, there's also dry shampoo. It's an excellent ally for caring for your hair and giving it a shine, without washing it. It can be used during the week between washes, or before going out for a little beauty touch-up, or to add structure and volume to your hair. Discover Volume Minute professional dry shampoo from the Christophe-Nicolas Biot Paris range. Highly absorbent, it cleans and beautifies hair in just a few minutes, while giving it the volume it needs!

Hair care: mask application

While the choice of shampoo and frequency of washing are important for hair care, the application of a mask is also the basis of a successful hair routine. A natural mask will treat your hair in depth, rather than merely beautifying the surface, as is the case with care masks containing chemical components. The mask will nourish, moisturize, strengthen or repair the hair from within. The mask should always be applied after shampooing, to get the most out of its benefits. The treatment will adhere better and soak in better if the hair is clean. The result is softer, shinier and silkier hair, without weighing it down.

Certains masques bio sont aussi particulièrement efficaces pour donner du volume au cheveux avec un effet durable. Entre autres, le masque détoxifiant de la gamme Christophe-Nicolas Biot Paris permet d’assainir, de purifier et de déstresser le cuir chevelu grâce à son effet circulatoire et oxygénant. Ce masque renforce également les fonctions vitales du bulbe et relance le processus cellulaire pour son renouvellement, excellent pour densifier les cheveux fins.

Creams and oils based on natural ingredients, effective natural allies for hair care

When it comes to hair care, the benefits of plant creams and oils are well known. Moisturizing, nourishing, repairing, protecting and strengthening, they add shine and vigor while stimulating hair growth. Each plant oil has its own virtues, and they can be blended together for a more personalized and complete treatment combining different properties.

Si vous n’aimez pas appliquer directement de l’huile végétale sur vos cheveux, vous pouvez orienter votre choix vers une huile sèche. L’huile sèche est gorgée d’ingrédients qui ne veulent que du bien à votre chevelure : elle permet de l’hydrater, de la nourrir et de l’adoucir, et tout cela sans laisser de gras. Idéale pour réparer les cheveux secs et cassants, l’Huile Sèche N°11 de la gamme Christophe-Nicolas Biot Paris est un soin bio multifonction qui s’utilise aussi bien sur les cheveux que sur le visage et le corps. La Crème Botanic by Christophe-Nicolas Biot Paris, elle, est particulièrement adaptée aux cheveux fins et mous. Elle leur redonne vigueur et volume. L’action combinée de l’huile de vétiver, de l’huile de bergamote et des huiles essentielles de camomille, cannelle et clous de girofle que cette crème contient, ravive la brillance des cheveux, les fortifie et élimine l’effet raplapla.

For a professional appraisal of your hair, and to treat yourself to an appropriate treatment, don't hesitate to make an appointment at one of Christophe Nicolas Biot's beauty salons.