Apart from the homemade hair masks usually used before every wash - such as aloe vera, olive oil or avocado masks - there are some very good natural masks dedicated to dry hair. To find out which is the best mask for dry hair, Christophe Nicolas Biot, renowned hair colorist and artist, provides some answers.

Mask for hair and seborrhea

A phenomenon very often encountered by hair specialists is that of a "taut" scalp. A taut scalp leads to excessive seborrhea. In other words, excessive secretion of sebum (fatty matter) by the scalp's sebaceous glands. As a result, hair will dry out or tighten, losing its shine and volume.

If you want to relax your scalp, you'll need to find the best mask for dry hair. While there are, of course, homemade masks that will provide certain necessary nutrients, none has all the active ingredients that scalp and hair need, like Fluide de Crème n°6.

Hair mask: beware of Youtube!

We can't say it enough, but beware of YouTube tutorials that try to get you to mix all the products in your fridge and then apply them to your hair... Don't hesitate to ask a professional for advice; your hairdresser is there to give you the little tips and tricks you need to look after your hair.

The Internet is certainly a mine of information, but don't necessarily trust influencers who claim to concoct the best mask for dry hair from crème fraîche, soy sauce and mint...

How to apply your hair mask

In order to relax the scalp, you need to follow certain rules. It's not enough to find the best hair mask. You also need to apply it properly to your dry hair. A scalp massage is an essential complement to this rebalancing process.

The best hair mask for dry hair is also the one you can use as a conditioner after your shampoo. Apply your hair mask for a few minutes to your lengths and ends, detangle and rinse.

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