Today, in every field, the trend is towards healthy hair products. Every brand is claiming its share of naturalness in the products and treatments it offers. And hairstyling is no exception!

Hardly a day goes by when we don't hear about organic or natural products, and more and more in hairdressing. In the press, on TV news and on the Internet, organic products are all the rage. Why such a craze? Quite simply because the French are increasingly looking for what's best for both their health and their beauty.

Organic or natural hygiene, haircare and beauty products are increasingly in demand. Organic cosmetics are reassuring and appealing to the French, who are increasingly sensitive to responsible products. Better for the health, better assimilated by the skin, less aggressive, organic cosmetics are good for us.

Are healthy hair products necessarily organic?

According to anIfop study, women aged 50 to 64 are the most likely to have bought organic or natural cosmetics in the past year, with a percentage of 65%.

Young women are also concerned about their health, but also about the negative impact of conventional beauty products on the environment. Indeed, one in two young women aged 18 to 24 has bought organic or natural cosmetics in the past year.

So buying natural cosmetics isn't just a trend for older women. Today, all age groups are being seduced by products made from natural ingredients. It has to be said, however, that this is a fairly recent phenomenon!

When French women are asked why they buy organic or natural cosmetics, three reasons come out on top. The first is, of course, because they want to take care of their bodies (64%) with a product that is not chemically manipulated. The second is that they want effective products (60%) for their bodies; and finally, the third reason French women buy organic cosmetics is their desire to protect the environment (56%).

Qu’est-ce que la coloration végétale by Biot ?

coiffure Christophe Nicolas BiotVisit "Vegetable by BiotThe 100% natural hair color line from hairstylist Christophe Nicolas Biot, whose products have become a must-have, allows you to color your hair while protecting your health and the environment. It is created from flower, spice and plant pistils, sun-dried and ground to a very fine powder. It is then mixed with hot water and enriched with vegetable oil.

Christophe Nicolas Biot's plant-based hair colouring allows you to :

  • Revive , darken or modify hair color
  • Achieve luminous tones
  • Cover 100% of white hair
  • Tone-on-tone cover
  • Provides a brightening effect through the addition of golden highlights
  • Nourish and care for hair while sheathing it

Perfectly natural, it has no undesirable effects and does not damage hair structure. What's more, the plant-derived tannic acid content adds shine to hair.

Healthy products for all hair types

All year round, but especially after the summer months, it's important to be vigilant when it comes to choosing hair care products. Today, a collective awareness is emerging among consumers, who are increasingly attentive to the quality and composition of the hair care and cosmetics products they use and buy.Jeune fille en fleurs - hairstyling Christophe Nicolas Biot

Organic, healthy and natural is recommended for all hair types, and for everyone, children, adults or seniors.

At first, you may need to give your hair time to detoxify, but you'll soon see results with shinier, lighter, fuller hair.

And while it's important to use healthy products, it's also important to use the right tools, such as the right hairbrush to preserve the hair fiber and detangle deeply, or the right comb.

Christophe Nicolas Biot and organic food

Christophe Nicolas BiotChristophe Nicolas Biot and organic hairdressing has always advocated the use of healthy, natural products. Even if this is impossible when he uses oxidative coloring, he will always go back to natural. He didn't wait for the fad to which everyone tends to adhere today, because for him, being organic is a state of mind, a philosophy and a lifestyle choice.

" For the past ten years or so, we've been experiencing a trend where everything has to be ORGANIC, and I find that very interesting.

J’ai toujours été attiré par le monde des plantes et le végétal. La nature me « parle » car je suis en parfaite symbiose avec les éléments qui m’entourent.

So, in 2012, I created a line of Bio by Biot hair products, followed in 2016 by a line of 100% plant-based colorants: botanic Color.

Plants have extremely beneficial and beneficial powers for the skin, scalp and hair... I've seen hair completely transformed thanks to the dye plants we use.

I've always made a point of saying that the world of plants is extraordinary and infinitely rich. Unfortunately, when it comes to hairstyling, there are some things that just can't be done, like lightening hair or finding cool tones for those who don't like golden highlights.

My motto: the more we innovate and offer natural products, the gentler and more non-sensitizing conventional (so-called chemical) products will become, to recreate a result close to that of plants and all their benefits ."

Discover all Christophe Nicolas Biot products

Products recognized as healthy by independent authorities

In September 2019, the famous association UFC Que Choisir (Union Fédérale des Consommateurs, the oldest consumer association in Europe, founded in 1951) published a comparison of Toxic Substances in Cosmetics - Hair Care, and it's clear that Bio by Biot products are extremely well ranked, among some 26,312 products tested, and find themselves in the selection of risk-free products.

healthy, natural haircare products Christophe Nicolas Biot Healthy, natural haircare products Christophe Nicolas Biot

Similarly, the Yuka app, which in just a few months has become THE benchmark for product composition, and which assesses the quality of purchases by analyzing their impact on health, far from any brand influence, reserves the top rankings for products in the Bio by Biot hairdressing line.

Healthy and natural haircare products Christophe Nicolas Biot Healthy and natural haircare products Christophe Nicolas Biot

Find all these products in Maisons de Coiffure Christophe Nicolas Biot or in the Christophe Nicolas Biot Paris online store.

Botanic Color makes it possible to be a plant-scented blonde. Find Botanic Color in hair salons.