Greasy hair is neither irrevocable nor inevitable. Today, there are many solutions to combat this hair problem without having to dry out your hair.

In general, we don't take the right measures to combat this tendency, and we'll need to be patient to rebalance our sebum production.

Here's our advice...

Qu’est-ce qu’on appelle « cheveux gras » ?

Having greasy hair means nothing in itself, because it's actually the scalp that's greasy and produces too much sebum. This phenomenon is called seborrhea. In fact, you'll notice that your ends are not greasy, but rather dry. In fact, when we want to treat oily hair, we want to dry out our hair, and it's the ends that suffer.

Eliminating sebum production from the scalp at all costs is a serious mistake. This production is natural and is a natural protection for the hair.

On the other hand, the recent trend has been towards the sebum cure, which promises to rebalance sebum production and restore healthy hair.

But what exactly is it?

Is the sebum treatment effective in combating greasy hair?

What does it involve?

The sebum cure simply consists of stopping washing or rinsing your hair for at least a month to allow natural self-regulation of sebum production.

The promise is healthy, soft, shiny hair. Shampoos, dry shampoos and all styling products are eliminated, as is the need to run hair through water.

If you stop washing your hair for a month or two, the sebum naturally produced by the scalp will rehydrate the lengths and ends, helping to regulate hair maintenance.

What you should do

  • Brush hair daily along its entire length to distribute sebum evenly and prevent it from accumulating at the roots;
  • Aerate the scalp regularly by massaging gently with your hands;
  • Wash your hairbrush daily with warm water and soap to remove dust residues.

Does it really work?

It's a trend that's come into its own recently, but it's not universally popular. Not only because it's hard to put up with greasy hair, but also because of the way other people look at your hair... What's more, opinions are very divided on the benefits of this treatment. However, you can still try it if you're brave enough: it can't harm your hair in any way.

Why do we get greasy hair?

All scalps produce sebum, but the quantity and speed of production are defined by genes, the environment and pollution, hormonal factors and diet.

For hair products, you'll need to choose the right ones, and avoid those based on shea butter, argan oil and macadamia nuts, which are far too rich.

As far as possible, you should avoid washing your hair every day and try to space out your shampoos.

External factors such as pollution and sun exposure also contribute to the production of sebum, and therefore to greasy hair. These factors need to be taken into account, as do stress and chronic fatigue.

When it comes to diet, you must be careful not to eat too many high-fat and high-sugar foods, as these also affect sebum production.

Another bad habit to break is touching your hair and running your hand through your hair several times a day, wearing hats or caps or tying your hair up every day.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Use unsuitable shampoos or care products;
  • Wash them in very hot water, which tends to make the scalp sweat;
  • Wash only the tips, not the scalp or roots;
  • Rub the scalp instead of massaging it when washing and drying;
  • Tie up wet hair, as it will retain moisture and the limescale in the water will stagnate, leading to the production of sebum.

What to do

  • Use dry shampoo regularly to space out wet shampoos. Spray at the roots and leave to soak up sebum before styling. It will neutralize impurities and sebum secretion, but should not be used on a daily basis to avoid suffocating the scalp;
  • Gently massage the scalp to relax and protect it;
  • Avoid brushing your hair too hot and using hair dryers set on high heat;
  • Avoid using combs with very tight teeth, which encourage sebum to spread over the lengths;
  • Soigner son alimentation pour purifier son organisme !

For a professional appraisal of your hair, and to treat yourself to an appropriate treatment, don't hesitate to make an appointment at one of Christophe Nicolas Biot's beauty salons.